Eastern Route (8 days / 7 nights)
In this Route you will discover the wonders of the dense Equatorial rainforest, the Baka pygmies (the first inhabitants of the forest, unusually low aboriginals who make their living on hunting and harvest) You will also discover of gorilla sanctuaries of Mangama, Dja and Lobeke.
1st Day:
Arrival at the international airport of Douala or Yaoundé. Reception and transfer to the hotel. City Tour to visit some sites (if you're not too tired). Dinner and accommodation at the hotel.2nd Day:
After breakfast we will be starting our journey towards Somalomo. Lunch at Yaoundé (party arriving at Douala) or Ayos (party arriving at Yaoundé). We continue with a relaxing stopover at Ayos or Messamena respectively. Arrival at Somalomo and lodging at the hostel or ECOFAC shelter. Dinner and accommodation.3rd Day:
Breakfast and departure to the Dja Reserve. Payment of entrance and guided tour tickets at the Reserve. Picnic by the river Dja. We will board on canoes, cross the river Dja and continue to the Baka pygmies camp at the Dja Reserve. Lodgement. We’ll enjoy the "Gouma" traditional dance performance and learn about their ancestral rites. Dinner and accommodation in tents.4th Day:
Breakfast. We’ll learn about the Baka pygmies hunting skills as well as the use they make of certain medicinal plants. Then we’ll part to visit the Dja caves (about 15 km/9,3 miles away from the camp). Picnic and return to camp. "Gouma” dance performance. Dinner and accommodation in tents.5th Day:
Breakfast. Farewell ceremony and departure for Abong Bang. Arrival at the hotel followed by lunch. Visit to some colonial buildings dated back to 1939 which today are home to some government and religious institutions (gendarmerie, Catholic mission ...). Dinner and lodging at the hotel.6th Day:
Breakfast and departure for Pol Petit (a small village in the Borough of Duma). Reception and tour of the village, lunch and departure to the Baka camp (about 10km/6,2 miles trekking across the forest). Reception at the camp. "Gouma" dance ceremony and ancestral rites. Dinner and accommodation in tents7th Day:
Breakfast. Hunting expedition and farewell ceremony. Visit to the local school and the Baka Bantu people camp which was built by the Cameroon NGO “Plan” to encourage intermarriage between Baka and Bantu ethic groups and thus boost their integration into society. Departure for Yaoundé, lunch at Abong Bang and stopover at Ayos where we will relax for a while. Arrival and lodging at the hotel. Dinner and accommodation.8thDay:
Breakfast and day off for purchasing souvenirs or, alternatively, departure for Douala (lunch and souvenirs). Departure to the Douala (or Yaoundé) international airport 3 hours before departure time. Boarding and return to the country of origin.